bikinis swimwear kids modeling agency A Fun Quiz to Test Your Quest For Success

Monday, August 30, 2010

bikinis swimwear kids modeling agency A Fun Quiz to Test Your Quest For Success
Last week I was asked to be on a panel to address members of Screen Actors Guild on how to get more film and television projects being made in Chicago. This is a difficult topic, because most of the factors that determine where films are made arent impacted by actors. The number one influencer today, seems to be which state has the best tax incentive plan. The answer: not Illinois. So what can the actor control in his/her career to achieve success? Most people choose to go into this business because of their passion for the art. But that passion must be combined with a commitment to the professional-end of the business. So here is a quiz, like you might get in a magazine, to determine your level of business acumen. Give yourself one point for each yes answer and see the answer key below.1. I have professional looking head shots and resumes that look the way I look now. 2. All of my most recent experience is updated on Actors Access and my resume. 3. I do marketing mailings in an appropriate time frame so that casting directors know what I am up to. 4. My agent knows my show schedule and when I am not available for auditions/bookings. 5. I check my email and voicemail every two hours throughout the day so I can return a call about an audition quickly. 6. I always have a headshot and resume with me in case a last minute opportunity comes up. 7. I always have a pen and paper handy when my agent calls so I can get information quickly and accurately. I realize when I have to call them back to confirm information they already gave me that I take time away from them when they could be doing something else to get me more work. 8. I have email and a printer to get my sides. 9. I always read the breakdown and come dressed appropriately. 10.I make sure I am available for booking dates, if cast in the role before I audition. 11. I always come as close to be memorized as possible for all of my auditions. Simple commercials are always done off book. 12. I am always on time for auditions. I leave early enough so that traffic and lack of parking in the worst-case scenario doesnt make me late. 13. If by some very unusual circumstance, I am running late, I call my agent and not the casting director. 14. I have a flexible schedule and can make 95% of the auditions for which I am called or I book out. 15. I know the shows at major theatres this season and am researching on-camera opportunities that might be right for me. 16. I am taking a class and working hard to be a stronger actor/singer/dancer/. 17. I read at least one trade magazine a week. 18. I watch all different genres of television and film and go to see a lot of plays. 19. When I audition, I try to find information on - the director, the nature of the project, the style of the project similar efforts or other projects by the same people. 20. If a script is available, I always read it before the audition.Key 17-20 Amazing -- you are doing all that you can to make it in this business. 11-16 Pretty good -- but it wouldnt be hard to kick up a notch to awesome. 6-10 Average - or slightly below which is not what you want to be in this tough business. 5 and below - get it together kids. Hope you enjoyed my first edition.My goal is to update the blog at least weekly and maybe more. Let me know your thoughts and other subjects you would like to see covered. Dawn

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